


If you are purchasing a Bible and wondering which version to get, our team likes the ESV (English Standard Version) the best, but other good translations include NAS (or NASB), CSB, NIV, OR NKJV. If you are attending church services and group studies (we highly recommend it), ask the pastor or leader for suggestions. Bibles can also be digitally downloaded, but we recommend having a hard copy of the book. Don't be afraid to mark it up with pencil, colored pencils, or no-bleed gel highlighters. 


There are countless resources to help you understand the Bible, but the most important thing is reading it. If it doesn't make sense, don't become discouraged; you will gain understanding in time. The Bible is comprised of 66 Books, each with a different name. Try starting with these books: John, Acts, Romans, Matthew, Mark, and Luke. You can find these books in the Table of Contents in the front of your Bible. 


The following videos, graciously provided by our friends at Desiring God, are fun, interesting, and short Bible studies. 

Holy God became like us
God sent His own Son
Always joyful, prayerful
Kill the sin!
Free in Christ Jesus - Romans 8: 1-3
The effects of being greatly loved by God
Our armor!